2. Click the Install Office button on the top right of the home screen.
3. Click Skype for Business and ensure English (United States) is selected as the language and press the Install button
4. Wait for the install to complete
5. The program will be installed as Skype for Business 2016. Start up the application. Enter your stjohn.ie email address as your username
6. Enter your stjohn.ie email password as your password and press sign in
7. Type a name in the box shown in the image to find a person in the organisation. Right click to add them to your contact list.
8. To start a call with a contact, double click them in your list of contacts. You can either type text to them which they will receive immediately if they are online, or you can start a video call or voice call or presentation using the three blue buttons at the bottom of the window.
9. End your call and close down Skype for Business if needed.