Hammond Lane Division started on March 22nd 1938 at the Hammond Lane Industries 111 Pearse Street. The officers were officially appointed by HQ on May 18th 1939. Mr W Wilson Superintendent, Mr H Gray Ambulance Officer, Mr J Logan Sergeant, Mr A Harris Corporal, Mr W Courtney Lance Corporal. Hammond Lane was very active during the emergency 1939-45. Numbers in the division went down during this period as members went abroad seeking employment but still the division remained active in the NO. 7 Area.
In 1942 Hammond Lane Division entered their first, first aid competitions and went on to win many trophies including the coveted Sir Otto Lund Trophy. Unfortunately some of our members passed away and others were promoted to positions in HQ.
Today Hammond Lane Division still up hold the strong tradition of volunteering and are found at many public events helping were it is needed. Our members range from first responders to EMT\’s. We have a modern and well equipped divisional ambulance and response car.
Our members are involved not only in the division but also in the national training and development and national operations.